Kõrvaklapid Leitud 13

Apple AirPods Pro 2nd Gen 2023 USB-C
Apple AirPods Pro 2nd Gen 2023 USB-C

Kogege helikvaliteedi tippu Apple AirPods Pro 2. põlvkonna USB-C ja MagSafe-iga. Need juhtmevabad kõrvaklapid on loodud pakkuma ülimat helielamust, sisaldades täiustatud mürasummutustehnoloogiat, mis kohandub teie keskkonnaga ja pakub kaasahaaravat kuulamiskogemust. Uus USB-C laadimiskarp MagSafe ühilduvusega tagab sujuva ja tõhusa laadimise, pakkudes mugavust ja usaldusväärsust liikvel olles. Ergonoomilise disaini, täiustatud läbipaistvusrežiimi ning higi- ja veekindlusega on AirPods Pro 2. põlvkond ideaalne igaks elustiiliks. Tõstke oma helikogemus järgmisele tasemele juhtmevaba innovatsiooni tipptasemega.

Hind: 254.90€
Kohal: 2 tk
Apple AirPods (3rd generation) - Lightning Charging Case
Apple AirPods (3rd generation) - Lightning Charging Case

All-new AirPods with spatial audio.
It’s magic, remastered.

With spatial audio that places sound all around you, Adaptive EQ that tunes music to your ears, and longer battery life that charges up in a snap. It shrugs off sweat and sprinkles, and delivers an experience that’s simply magical.

Lightning Charging Case can be charged with the Lightning connector.

Hind: 199.00€
Partnerlaos: Saadaval järeltellimisel (2-6 t.p)
Apple AirPods Max - Space Gray (Lightning)
Apple AirPods Max - Space Gray (Lightning)

Delivery time 2-6 working days
Apple AirPods Max (Lightning Connector) Discover the ultimate listening experience with Apple AirPods Max featuring a Lightning connector. These premium over-ear headphones deliver breathtaking sound, advanced noise cancellation, and an unparalleled level of comfort. With seamless integration into the Apple ecosystem, AirPods Max work effortlessly with your iPhone, providing instant pairing, automatic switching between devices, and spatial audio for immersive, theater-like sound. Enjoy crystal-clear calls, rich audio, and up to 20 hours of battery life on a single charge. Designed with precision and elegance, they are perfect for any Apple user who values quality and simplicity.
Key Features:

Exceptional Sound Quality: Custom acoustic design for stunning, detailed audio.
Active Noise Cancellation: Eliminate distractions and enjoy pure sound.
Seamless Integration: Instant pairing and switching with iPhone and Apple devices.
Spatial Audio: Dynamic head-tracking for 360° surround sound.
Lightning Connector: Efficient charging and broad compatibility with Apple devices.
Long Battery Life: Up to 20 hours of music, calls, or movies on a single charge.

Hind: 549.00€
Kohal: 2 tk
Apple AirPods Max - Purple (USB-C)
Apple AirPods Max - Purple (USB-C)

Delivery time 1-4 working days
Apple AirPods Max (USB-C) Experience unrivaled sound quality and comfort with the Apple AirPods Max featuring USB-C connectivity. These premium over-ear headphones combine high-fidelity audio with advanced noise cancellation, delivering a fully immersive listening experience. Designed with precision, the AirPods Max provide effortless pairing, intuitive controls, and spatial audio for dynamic, theater-like sound. Enjoy up to 20 hours of listening on a single charge. USB-C ensures faster charging and compatibility with your iPhone.
Key Features:

High-Fidelity Sound: Custom acoustic design for rich, detailed audio.
Active Noise Cancellation: Block out external noise for pure sound immersion.
Spatial Audio: Dynamic head-tracking for 360° surround sound.
Long Battery Life: Up to 20 hours of music, movies, and calls.
USB-C Connectivity: Fast charging and seamless compatibility.

Hind: 559.00€
Partnerlaos: Saadaval järeltellimisel (2-6 t.p)
Apple AirPods Max - Blue (USB-C)
Apple AirPods Max - Blue (USB-C)

Delivery time 1-4 working days
Apple AirPods Max (USB-C) Experience unrivaled sound quality and comfort with the Apple AirPods Max featuring USB-C connectivity. These premium over-ear headphones combine high-fidelity audio with advanced noise cancellation, delivering a fully immersive listening experience. Designed with precision, the AirPods Max provide effortless pairing, intuitive controls, and spatial audio for dynamic, theater-like sound. Enjoy up to 20 hours of listening on a single charge. USB-C ensures faster charging and compatibility with your iPhone.
Key Features:

High-Fidelity Sound: Custom acoustic design for rich, detailed audio.
Active Noise Cancellation: Block out external noise for pure sound immersion.
Spatial Audio: Dynamic head-tracking for 360° surround sound.
Long Battery Life: Up to 20 hours of music, movies, and calls.
USB-C Connectivity: Fast charging and seamless compatibility.

Hind: 559.00€
Partnerlaos: Saadaval järeltellimisel (2-6 t.p)
Apple AirPods Max - Orange (USB-C)
Apple AirPods Max - Orange (USB-C)

Delivery time 1-4 working days
Apple AirPods Max (USB-C) Experience unrivaled sound quality and comfort with the Apple AirPods Max featuring USB-C connectivity. These premium over-ear headphones combine high-fidelity audio with advanced noise cancellation, delivering a fully immersive listening experience. Designed with precision, the AirPods Max provide effortless pairing, intuitive controls, and spatial audio for dynamic, theater-like sound. Enjoy up to 20 hours of listening on a single charge. USB-C ensures faster charging and compatibility with your iPhone.
Key Features:

High-Fidelity Sound: Custom acoustic design for rich, detailed audio.
Active Noise Cancellation: Block out external noise for pure sound immersion.
Spatial Audio: Dynamic head-tracking for 360° surround sound.
Long Battery Life: Up to 20 hours of music, movies, and calls.
USB-C Connectivity: Fast charging and seamless compatibility.

Hind: 559.00€
Partnerlaos: Saadaval järeltellimisel (2-6 t.p)
AirPods 4 with Active Noise Cancellation
AirPods 4 with Active Noise Cancellation

AirPods 4 koos aktiivse mürasummutusega – järgmine samm parema heli ja mugavuse poole. Nüüd koos isikupärastatud Spatial Audioga ja kuni 5-tunnise kuulamisajaga ning aktiivse mürasummutusega – esmakordselt sellise disainiga.

Olulisemad funktsioonid:
•Aktiivne mürasummutus, adaptiivne heli ja läbikuuldavus režiim: Naudi täielikku heliisolatsiooni või kuula ümbritsevat maailma selgelt, vastavalt oma vajadustele.
•Isikupärastatud Spatial Audio: Dünaamiline peajälgimine pakub täielikku ruumilist heli.
•Voice Isolation ja käed-vaba Siri: Kristallselged telefonikõned ja mugav Siri kasutamine ilma käte abita.
•Mitmekülgsed laadimisvõimalused: Kasuta USB-C kaablit, Apple Watchi laadijat või sertifitseeritud Qi juhtmevaba laadijat.
•Uus akustiline arhitektuur: Apple’i loodud madala moonutusega draiver koos suure dünaamilise ulatusega võimendiga. Tulemuseks on erakordne helikvaliteet sügavate basside ja kristallselgete kõrgemate helidega.
•Adaptive EQ: Muusika häälestatakse automaatselt vastavalt sinu kõrvadele, pakkudes rikkalikke detaile igas loos.
•IP54 hinnang: Tolmu-, higi- ja veekindel disain sobib aktiivseks kasutamiseks.
•Täiustatud puutesensor: Uus puutesensoriga vars võimaldab juhtida muusikat, kõnesid ja kuulamisrežiime vaid ühe puudutusega.
•Aku kestvus: Kuni 5 tundi kuulamisaega tavakasutusel ja kuni 4 tundi mürasummutusega. Kuni 30 tundi kuulamisaega MagSafe laadimisümbrisega ja kuni 20 tundi mürasummutusega.
•Laadimiskarp USB-C ja kõlariga FindMy jaoks: Kiire ja mugav laadimine koos nutika asukohaotsingu võimalusega.

Hind: 199.00€
Partnerlaos: Saadaval järeltellimisel (2-6 t.p)
AirPods 4
AirPods 4

AirPods 4 – Järgmine tase heli ja mugavuse maailmas! Nüüd koos isikupärastatud Spatial Audioga ja kuni 5-tunnise kuulamisajaga.
Peamised funktsioonid:
•Isikupärastatud Spatial Audio dünaamilise peajälgimisega – täielik ruumiline heli igas olukorras.
•Voice Isolation tehnoloogia tagab kristallselged telefonikõned ja uue käed-vaba Siriga suhtlemise võimaluse.
•Uuenduslik akustiline arhitektuur: Apple’i loodud madala moonutusega draiver koos suure dünaamilise ulatusega võimendiga. Tulemus? Võrratu helikvaliteet sügava bassi ja kirkate kõrgemate helidega.
•Adaptive EQ: Muusika kohandub automaatselt sinu kõrvadele, pakkudes igas loos rikkalikke detaile.
•IP54 hinnang: Tolmu-, higi- ja veekindel disain, mis sobib aktiivseks eluviisiks.
•Täiustatud puutesensor: Uus puutesensoriga vars võimaldab muusikat ja kõnesid juhtida vaid näpuotsaga.
•Aku kestvus: Kuni 5 tundi kuulamisaega ja kuni 30 tundi koos MagSafe laadimisümbrisega.
• Laadimiskarp USB-C ühendusega: Mugav ja kiire laadimine.
Avasta erakordne kuulamiskogemus AirPods 4-ga!

Hind: 149.00€
Partnerlaos: Saadaval järeltellimisel (2-6 t.p)
Apple AirPods Max - Green (Lightning)
Apple AirPods Max - Green (Lightning)

Delivery time 2-6 working days
Apple AirPods Max (Lightning Connector) Discover the ultimate listening experience with Apple AirPods Max featuring a Lightning connector. These premium over-ear headphones deliver breathtaking sound, advanced noise cancellation, and an unparalleled level of comfort. With seamless integration into the Apple ecosystem, AirPods Max work effortlessly with your iPhone, providing instant pairing, automatic switching between devices, and spatial audio for immersive, theater-like sound. Enjoy crystal-clear calls, rich audio, and up to 20 hours of battery life on a single charge. Designed with precision and elegance, they are perfect for any Apple user who values quality and simplicity.
Key Features:

Exceptional Sound Quality: Custom acoustic design for stunning, detailed audio.
Active Noise Cancellation: Eliminate distractions and enjoy pure sound.
Seamless Integration: Instant pairing and switching with iPhone and Apple devices.
Spatial Audio: Dynamic head-tracking for 360° surround sound.
Lightning Connector: Efficient charging and broad compatibility with Apple devices.
Long Battery Life: Up to 20 hours of music, calls, or movies on a single charge.

Hind: 629.00€
Partnerlaos: Saadaval järeltellimisel (2-6 t.p)
Apple AirPods Max - Sky Blue (Lightning)
Apple AirPods Max - Sky Blue (Lightning)

Delivery time 2-6 working days
Apple AirPods Max (Lightning Connector) Discover the ultimate listening experience with Apple AirPods Max featuring a Lightning connector. These premium over-ear headphones deliver breathtaking sound, advanced noise cancellation, and an unparalleled level of comfort. With seamless integration into the Apple ecosystem, AirPods Max work effortlessly with your iPhone, providing instant pairing, automatic switching between devices, and spatial audio for immersive, theater-like sound. Enjoy crystal-clear calls, rich audio, and up to 20 hours of battery life on a single charge. Designed with precision and elegance, they are perfect for any Apple user who values quality and simplicity.
Key Features:

Exceptional Sound Quality: Custom acoustic design for stunning, detailed audio.
Active Noise Cancellation: Eliminate distractions and enjoy pure sound.
Seamless Integration: Instant pairing and switching with iPhone and Apple devices.
Spatial Audio: Dynamic head-tracking for 360° surround sound.
Lightning Connector: Efficient charging and broad compatibility with Apple devices.
Long Battery Life: Up to 20 hours of music, calls, or movies on a single charge.

Hind: 549.00€
Kohal: 1 tk
Apple AirPods Max - Midnight (USB-C)
Apple AirPods Max - Midnight (USB-C)

Delivery time 1-4 working days
Apple AirPods Max (USB-C) Experience unrivaled sound quality and comfort with the Apple AirPods Max featuring USB-C connectivity. These premium over-ear headphones combine high-fidelity audio with advanced noise cancellation, delivering a fully immersive listening experience. Designed with precision, the AirPods Max provide effortless pairing, intuitive controls, and spatial audio for dynamic, theater-like sound. Enjoy up to 20 hours of listening on a single charge. USB-C ensures faster charging and compatibility with your iPhone.
Key Features:

High-Fidelity Sound: Custom acoustic design for rich, detailed audio.
Active Noise Cancellation: Block out external noise for pure sound immersion.
Spatial Audio: Dynamic head-tracking for 360° surround sound.
Long Battery Life: Up to 20 hours of music, movies, and calls.
USB-C Connectivity: Fast charging and seamless compatibility.

Hind: 559.00€
Partnerlaos: Saadaval järeltellimisel (2-6 t.p)
Apple AirPods Max - Starlight (USB-C)
Apple AirPods Max - Starlight (USB-C)

Delivery time 1-4 working days
Apple AirPods Max (USB-C) Experience unrivaled sound quality and comfort with the Apple AirPods Max featuring USB-C connectivity. These premium over-ear headphones combine high-fidelity audio with advanced noise cancellation, delivering a fully immersive listening experience. Designed with precision, the AirPods Max provide effortless pairing, intuitive controls, and spatial audio for dynamic, theater-like sound. Enjoy up to 20 hours of listening on a single charge. USB-C ensures faster charging and compatibility with your iPhone.
Key Features:

High-Fidelity Sound: Custom acoustic design for rich, detailed audio.
Active Noise Cancellation: Block out external noise for pure sound immersion.
Spatial Audio: Dynamic head-tracking for 360° surround sound.
Long Battery Life: Up to 20 hours of music, movies, and calls.
USB-C Connectivity: Fast charging and seamless compatibility.

Hind: 559.00€
Partnerlaos: Saadaval järeltellimisel (2-6 t.p)
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