Laadige oma Apple Watchi mugavalt ja tõhusalt Rixus magnetilise iWatch laadimiskaabliga. 1,2 meetri pikkune kaabel pakub piisavalt ulatust, et saaksite oma kella laadida igas olukorras. Magnetiline ühendus tagab turvalise ja stabiilse ühenduse, võimaldades kiiret ja usaldusväärset laadimist. See kvaliteetne laadimiskaabel on loodud spetsiaalselt Apple Watchi jaoks, tagades parima võimaliku jõudluse ja pikaealisuse. Stiilne ja vastupidav disain sobib suurepäraselt igapäevaseks kasutamiseks nii kodus kui ka kontoris.
USB-A – Magsafe, 5W
Otsite ōhukest, kuid samas ka vastupidavat ekraanikaitset? Enam pole pōhjust muretsemiseks! 3mk FlexibleGlass on vaid poolemillimeetrise läbimōōduga klaas, mis suudab tänu oma paindlikule disainile pakkuda täielikku kaitset teie seadmele.
Order the screen protector, set the delivery method to our store, and we will install it free of charge.
Are you looking for a very thin, yet durable screen protector? Look no more! 3mk FlexibleGlass is only half a millimeter thick, yet thanks to its flexible design protects your device fully.
Soft Tablet Case
Soft Tablet Case is a protective case for all tablet models, which is characterized by high durability and resistance to damage. The outer layer of the case is reinforced with a silicone coating and a TPU casing, and its interior is lined with a soft microfiber. The Soft Tablet Case guarantees unrestricted access to the camera, speaker and all buttons on the tablet. The triple-folding design of the double-base stand provides two positions for comfortable viewing or typing. The Wake/Sleep feature automatically wakes up or puts your device to sleep when you open or close the front cover.
Durable materials for tablet safety
Soft Tablet Case is a case that was made of the highest quality materials that guarantee resistance to damage. Its outer layer has been reinforced with a silicone coating and a TPU housing. Thanks to this, the case is not only pleasant to the touch and delicate, but also armored and resistant to damage. The inside of the case is covered with a soft microfiber, which ensures good retention of the tablet inside the case and protects it from damage.
Use your tablet comfortably
A good case is designed to protect the tablet, but also must not interfere with the free use of its functions and buttons. This was the goal of the designers of the Soft Tablet Case, which guaranteed users full access to the camera, speaker and charging sockets. What\’s more, the Soft Tablet Case dedicated to iPads has a specially built-in place for the stylus, which allows you to easily hide and pull it out.
Practical stand
The Soft Tablet Case is a slim, soft and practical protection for any tablet. The triple-folding design of the double-base stand provides two positions for comfortable viewing or typing. Thanks to the Soft Tablet Case, you can use your tablet wherever and however you want! The case has been designed to perfectly fit all tablet models.
Extended tablet life
The Wake/Sleep function in which the Soft Tablet Case is equipped automatically wakes up or puts the device to sleep when opening and closing the front cover. This function has a positive effect on the longer life of the battery and the entire device.
Velvety-soft Soft-touch or Soft-feel surface, leaves no fingerprints, the inner surface of the case is covered with a thin microfiber and has MagSafe feature.
Case has slightly raised edges around the screen and camera and is made of premium liquid silicone.
MagCase™ – Atraktiivne ja mugav.
Ühildub MagSafe\’iga – Induktiivne laadimine iPhone\’i ja Samsung Galaxy jaoks.
Maksimaalne kaitse – Kinnitust leidnud Military Grade kukkumistestis.
EasyClick™ Nupud – Kasuta nuppe vaevata.
Laadi piiranguteta – MagCase™ tagab, et induktiivlaadija ja teised magnetilised tarvikud kinnituvad ideaalselt ümbrisele. Erilised magnetid võimaldavad kiiret ja mugavat juhtmevaba laadimist nii iPhone\’idele kui ka uusimatele Samsung Galaxy mudelitele. Täielikult ühilduv MagSafe süsteemiga – laadi telefoni ilma ümbrist eemaldamata või piiranguteta.
Usaldusväärne kaitse – MagCase™ on loodud Apple\’i ja Samsungi tippmudelite kaitsmiseks. Tugevdatud nurgad pehmendavad kukkumist ja takistavad ümbrise mõlke ning kriimustusi. Kaitse on kinnitatud Military Grade – Logistic Transit Drop Testiga.
Nuppude mugav kasutamine – MagCase™ ümbrise paindlik ja täpselt sobiv disain hoiab telefoni täielikult kaitstuna, samas võimaldades nuppe kergesti kasutada. Tänu EasyClick™ nuppudele tunned end mugavalt ja märkad vaevu, et ümbris on peal. Naudi tippklassi mugavust!
Order the screen protector, set the delivery method to our store, and we will install it free of charge.
Are you looking for a very thin, yet durable screen protector? Look no more! 3mk FlexibleGlass is only half a millimeter thick, yet thanks to its flexible design protects your device fully.
Order the screen protector, set the delivery method to our store, and we will install it free of charge.
Are you looking for a very thin, yet durable screen protector? Look no more! 3mk FlexibleGlass is only half a millimeter thick, yet thanks to its flexible design protects your device fully.
Kiire laadimine ja andmeedastuskomplekt MFi sertifikaadiga.
Laadija ja kaabel on täielikult ühilduvad kõigi iPhone\’i mudelitega, samuti iPadide ja iPodidega. Laadijat saab kasutada ka teiste sobivate USB-seadmete laadimiseks (vajalik lisanduv USB-kaabel).
Meie komplekt toetab Power Delivery (PD 3.0/2.0) + Programmable Power Supply (PPS) + Quick Charge (QC3.0/QC2.0) ja tuvastab automaatselt vajaliku laadimiskiirus.
Ülim kiirus andmeedastuses kuni 480 Mbps.
Tänu kvaliteetsetele ühendustele, vastupidavale ABS korpusele ja tugevdatud TPE kattele.
Max väljund: 3A
Max andmeedastus: 480Mbps
Ühendused: Lightning ↔ USB C (USB 2.0)
Pikkus: 1.2m
Läbimõõt: 3.5mm OD
Sisend: 100-240V, ~50/60Hz, 0.5A Max
Väljund USB C (PD 3.0/PPS): 20W (5V/3A, 9V/2.22A, 12V/1.67A, 3.3-5.9V/3A, 3.3-11V/1.8A)
Väljund USB A (QC 3.0): 18W (5V/3A, 9V/2A, 12V/1.5A)
Koguväljund (USB A + USB C): 15W (5V/3A)
Mõõtmed: 80 x 41 x 29mm
Kaal: 60g
Order the screen protector, set the delivery method to our store, and we will install it free of charge.
Are you looking for a very thin, yet durable screen protector? Look no more! 3mk FlexibleGlass is only half a millimeter thick, yet thanks to its flexible design protects your device fully.